sobota 13. března 2021

The second modification of Aliexpress Si4732 receiver. Level converter adding.

5V to 3.3V level converter adding

The second modification of my Aliexpress Si4723 receiver is adding 5V to 3.3V level converter between Arduino NANO and Si4732 - thanks Rakhmat Al Varis for help. Si chip is connected directly to the Arduino and it is not good for 3.3V Si4732. I interrupted SDA, SCL and RESET lines between  Si and Arduino and inserted very cheap level converter.

The breaking of three pcb lines between Arduino and Si4732 is needed - look at the schematic diagram and picture of PCB.

čtvrtek 25. února 2021

The first modification of Aliexpress Si4732 receiver, no freezing now.

 Si4732 Aliexpress receiver modification

After this ground modification no freezing at all. There is a small transformer inside the receiver. One coil is in ground path and the second coil is in a positive path. Each pulse in ground coil will cause puls in positive power path and the receiver freezes.

I shorted coil in the ground path to eliminate this pulses.